OHV Veterans of Arizona Waiver and Release Form
OHV Veterans of Arizona Waiver and Release Form |
Safety is a Priority, in signing you are agreeing to follow all state,county and federal laws in the operation of your OHV. I freely, on behalf of myself, my heirs and estate, fully and finally release and hold harmless OHV Veterans of Arizona directors and members associated with all ride events from any and all liability, claims, demands suits, whether known or unknown, In signing this document, I represent that I am fully knowledgeable of the danger and hazards associated with OHV riding, I certify that I am duly licensed and competent to operate a OHV safely, and the vehicle is in a safe operating condition. I will be riding on trails and am solely responsible for determining the speed and operational characteristics of my OHV while participating in the ride. I hereby release and hold harmless OHV Veterans of Arizona BOD, executives or members, against any and all claims, causes of action, or any other liability of any kind arising from my activity of OHV riding. I certify that I have no known physical or mental impairment that may affect my safety or the safety of the group and that I am 18 years old or older. I understand that the choice of wearing protective gear is solely my own. I certify that I am not under the influence of any narcotic, alcohol, or other drug that may impair my understanding or judgment and that I will not at any time during the ride operate my OHV under the influence of any drug or alcohol. I also understand that this Waiver and Release is in force for the duration of the ride and covers any and all activities. |